
About the Catalogue

Aeschylus’ Agamemnon Catalogue is a database containing the critical bibliography of Aeschylus’ Agamemnon starting from Aldus’ 1518 editio princeps, here organized by categories. Through an easy-to-use search engine, searches can be performed on more than 2600 items  and about 1300 active hyperlinks to the full text of referenced books or articles available online using various parameters: author, title, year, journal/collection, keywords (Cassandra scene, commentary, death of Agamemnon, edition, exodos, first episode, first stasimon, fourth stasimon, fourth episode, fifth episode, history of classical scholarship, history of the text, interpretation, language, metrics, parodos, performance, prologue, reception, religion, second episode, second stasimon, style, textual criticism, third episode, third stasimon, translation). Results can be exported in BibTex or EndNote format, or simply copied and pasted in a Word file.

Compared to general purpose bibliographic search engine, Aeschylus’ Agamemnon catalogue provides a high precision and a high recall on the specific aeschylean topic.

Each item has been accurately revised. We would be very grateful in any case for notification of errors, omissions or problems with keywords, as this will help us to improve and update the database. Comments can be sent to Antonella Candio or Enrico Medda (see “Contact us“).

About the Project

Aeschylus’ Agamemnon Catalogue has been developed in parallel with the preparation of Enrico Medda’s edition of Aeschylus’ Agamemnon (Eschilo, Agamennone, con introduzione, traduzione e commento, 3 voll., Roma, Bardi 2017, Supplemento n. 31 al Bollettino dei Classici dell’Accademia dei Lincei).

Antonella Candio collected, identified and organized the database contents (data search and analysis, tags, hyperlinks).

Federico Boschetti has performed data analysis and implemented the source engine.

Enrico Medda is the scientific supervisor of the project.